Teachers update

Event Date 8 September 2024

Navigating by sight© Education between River & Mountain©

Course topics: the training and educational potential of Outdoor Sports through the discovery of an extraordinary territory between the Brenta river and the slopes of the Grappa Massif and the 7 Municipalities Plateau.

Course duration: 8 hours.
It will be confirmed when the minimum number of participants is reached

Recipients: all interested teachers (history, natural sciences, literary subjects, physical sciences) of institutes of all levels.

Registration by 30 July 2024

The participating teachers will benefit from the exemption from compulsory schooling art. 64 of the national collective bargaining agreement on the right to training.

Meeting at 9.30am at the Onda Selvaggia headquarters in Merlo in San Nazario (VI). Presentation and description of the Course to participants.
12.30pm end of activity and lunch break with tasting of typical local products
2.30pm Naturalistic and historical excursion - RAFTING activities
5.30pm end of activity
6.00pm development of classroom activities and delivery of participation certificates

Speakers: Angelo Disegna Doctor in Cultural Tourism Sciences · Sonia Scaioli Canoe Kayak Master, Rafting Guide, River Rescue Training Manager · Milco Tagliabue Canoe Kayak Master, Rafting Guide, River Rescue Training Manager

Reservations are welcome by contacting us on +39 347 3767729 via WhatsApp message or by writing to: info@ondaselvaggia.com

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